MIT Fuse

This is perfect for you if …  you want to roll up your sleeves and work as a full-time founder and make dramatic progress on your venture.

What: A hands-on, immersive startup sprint

When: 3 weeks during January every IAP

Time: Meets full-time Monday through Friday

Credit: no

Solo or Team: Team

Application Period: Open late October, close mid November (before Thanksgiving break)

Decision Date: Teams will be notified of their acceptance status by end of November and must respond with participation decision within 72 hours


This is perfect for you if …  you are interested in entrepreneurship in general and are looking for inspiration from speakers and workshops that focus on the front-end of the entrepreneurial process such as mindset, ideation, and team formation.

What: An introductory seminar with a range of activities and exercises

When: 3 weeks during January every IAP

Time: Meets 9:30 am – 4:00 pm with classes and mentoring

Credit: 6 pass / fail credits; can also be taken not for credit

Solo or Team: solo

Application Period: Open late October, close mid November (before Thanksgiving break)

Decision Date: Students will be notified of their acceptance status by first week of December and must respond with participation decision within 72 hours

Learn more about these programs …

MIT Fuse Podcast

StartMIT Podcast

Info Session Slides

click above to open

Jan 2024 Dates

(2025 calendar will be announced during the Fall 2024 semester)

Applications Open:  Monday, October 30th

Application Deadline: Monday, November 20th, 5:00 pm Eastern

Info Sessions: scheduled for October 12th, 18th, 31st, and November 1st

Acceptance Status: sent out on Thursday November 30th

Participation Confirmation: end of day Sunday, December 3rd

Start Dates: Monday, January 8th

Holiday: Monday, January 15th (MLK Jr Day)

End Dates: Wednesday, January 24th